Monthly Archives: October 2012

An International Adoption Story

My son and daughter-in-law are on an exciting adoption journey! They already have three biological sons but felt that God was calling them to adopt an international orphan. In researching international adoptions they discovered that there are 147 million orphans world-wide! Staggering, isn’t it?!

One day they received an e-mail from an adoption agency and that’s when they saw the picture of these three beautiful girls. It was love at first sight! Not wanting to break up a sibling group, they decided to adopt all three! Some people think they are crazy for adopting one, much less three! I think they are amazing! (Read full story here:  Wilkerson Adoption.)

Their adoption journey began in Ethiopia, but that process was taking so long and there was so much ‘red-tape’ that they decided to look elsewhere. That’s when they came across these three from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (they are three of the five million orphans in the Congo!).  Once all of their requirements are met and funds are raised they could have the girls within 6 months. The biggest obstacle to the adoption at this point is the $50,000 it will take to adopt this sibling group!

Here are some of our daughter-in-laws thoughts from her blog about their Give 3, Save 3 Campaign: “Have you ever stopped to think about how much a few dollars can effect a life?  What if I told you that $3 could change the lives of three little girls in Africa?  It’s going to cost our family around $50,000 to bring our daughters home to Georgia.  We don’t currently have $50,000 in the bank.  But we know that it doesn’t take more than 24 hours for a cause to go viral on the internet.  If 16,000 people gave $3, this entire adoption would be paid for and we’d have nothing standing in the way of bringing our girls home as fast as possible!  Will you help us bring our girls home?  Will you spread the word by posting our story and the link to our video on Facebook, You Tube, your blog, and twitter?”

Here’s a link to their video:  Give 3, Save 3 . I pray you will share it with your audiences and give as the Lord directs you. As our grandsons stated so eloquently in their video, $3 is less than a Starbucks coffee or a Chick-fil-a sandwich! Thanks for your consideration!

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18

Have you experienced an international adoption? I would love for you to comment.

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